City Story




City Story

Mail Art Call

The Fumblefield Project germinated the same weekend as the 'Big Bogin Baby' event.
I joined with Doug Leonard, Anna Fairley and Tony Wellington to create "THE FUMBLEFIELD".
MY TASK: Create a collection of diary drawings and paintings,reflecting the emotions of a dying woman,
To be displayed in the theatre foyer of the play "THE FUMBLEFIELD"

The resulting works were executed in a range of mediums,including sculpture.
Please be aware that the subject matter reflects a theme rather than my own personal experience.

The Fumblefield is a story of discovery.
It is a play, and an art exhibition. It is a dark journey into the white.....
On the night of
Big Bogin Baby,
we drew lots of caricatures.

I drew Pete, and myself
as the central character in
"The Fumblefield".
I started my research into the essence of the character.
My character in the play is an artist.

The central character
is dying.
The exhibition is a collection
of her paintings and diary drawings.

Left- Watercolour,
pen and ink.Diary entry

Right- Canvas(detail)
128cm x 120cm

The work reflects her obsessions.
Medical Intrusions,
Joining the Ancestors

Left- Acrylic on canvas(detail)
90cm x 90cm.

Right- Oil on canvas
50cm x 170cm.

Maps, Meanings and
Tracing Paths

Diary Entry
Watercolour, pastel, ink.
60cm x 45cm.


Copyright. Fiona Thorning. 2001